馬卓朗 Ma Cheuk Long(第三屆3rd)
When I first came across Taekwondo. I saw the black belt masters kicking the wooden boards .This really made me want to learn Taekwondo . If I learn Taekwondo. I could improve my reaction and can also protect myself from being attacked. So I decided to start learning along with 5 other people.
I think that Taekwondo not only trains your reaction and skills in martial arts, but also teaches you to respect people around you with power and patience. It also trains you to play fairly and not to cheat.
When all the non-master students train together, they help each other to practice the moves. They, unlike in school, will not make fun of each other and spread rumors.
Because Taekwondo is such a good sport which teaches you a lot of thing you do not learn in school, I would like to become a martial arts teacher and pass on the good techniques and skills to let people live a more meaningful life.
Not only can you learn from your masters but also from the Olympics Games and inter-federation competitions to enrich your experience in Taekwondo.
I will try my best to become a black belt master and beyond……