報名方法: 帶同首月學費於上課時間穿著輕便運動裝前往上課地點與當值教練報名便可!
Registration Method: Visit the class location in casual sportswear during class time with first month
lass fee and register with our instructor on duty.
組別 Division Group
年齡 Age
A) 幼兒組 Baby Group
4~6歲 4 to under 6 years
B) 兒童組 Child Group
6~13歲 6 to under 13 years
C) 青少年組 Teenager Group
13~17歲 13 to under 17 years
D) 成人組 Adult Group
18歲或以上 above or over 18 years
E) 黑帶組 Black belt Group
本館黑帶學員 Black Belt Member